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Mentoring: Group Leader Level

Dear Group Leaders, 

Welcome to our survey on the topic of mentoring at the group leader level. 

What is mentoring?
Focused on a person’s personal and 
professional development mentoring is a 
collaborative, mutually beneficial 
relationship between a person interested in a 
specific support and guidance (mentee) and 
an expert addressing that very interest (mentor). 
Please take 5 minutes to fill out this questionnaire! 
Thank you!

In dieser Umfrage sind 6 Fragen enthalten.
Dies ist eine anonyme Umfrage.

In den Umfrageantworten werden keine persönlichen Informationen über Sie gespeichert, es sei denn, in einer Frage wird explizit danach gefragt.

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Mentoring: Group Leader Level


What is your current contractual situation?

Which area of expertise do you assign yourself to?

BMS: Biology and Medicine Section

GSHS: Human and Social Sciences Section

CPTS: Chemistry, Physics, Technical Section

Have you made use of mentoring in past or present?


What is mentoring?

Focused on a person’s personal and professional development mentoring is a collaborative, mutually beneficial relationship between a person interested in a specific support and guidance (mentee) and an expert addressing that very interest (mentor).

Thinking of mentoring what topics are of interest to you?
Choose max. up to 5 answers
Who should be your mentor ideally?
Any more questions, wishes or advise for us? Feel free to share: